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Morrison Government appoints new Employment Facilitator for Sydney’s North and West

September 24, 2021

A new Employment Facilitator will help forge newopportunities for communities in Sydney’s North and West, as part of theextension of the Morrison Government’s $276 million Local Jobs Program.

Grahame Irwin, an employment services specialist, will usehis experience with business development, performance improvement and strategydevelopment to generate employment and training opportunities across theregion.

Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and FamilyBusiness, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, said the Morrison Government is backinglocal communities to help them create job opportunities.

‘The work of Grahame Irwin and Employment Facilitatorsacross the nation will be an integral part of the Morrison Government’sskills-led economic recovery,’ Minster Robert said.

‘Our Local Jobs Program will identify employmentopportunities and the skills required for these roles in Sydney’s North andWest as they emerge from the latest COVID-19 outbreak.

Assistant Minister for Youth and Employment Services, the HonLuke Howarth MP, said Employment Facilitators play an important role inconnecting local job seekers with local opportunities.

‘The MorrisonGovernment is committed to helping local communities come up with localsolutions, bringing together businesses, trainers and educators to developprojects that deliver jobs.’

Federal Member for Mitchell, the Hon Alex Hawke MP welcomedthe appointment of an Employment facilitator for Sydney’s Northwest region.

‘With the impact of COVID-19 to businesses and local industriesin Mitchell, the opportunity to have a specific Employment Facilitator workingto identify local employment opportunities and match them to skilled workerswill restore growth and rebuild our local economy and boost our region,’ MrHawke said.

Federal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks MP said theappointment of Grahame Irwin is good news for the Central Coast and will helpto drive more jobs for young people in our region.

‘I look forward to the day when Central Coast residents andstudents no longer have to leave for Sydney or Newcastle to find the sort ofeconomic, career or other advancement opportunities they may want, because theywill find them here in our region,’ Ms Wicks said.

Federal Member forBennelong, John Alexander MP said Bennelong has been quietly doing it toughduring this latest lockdown, with the area split between LGAs of concern andGreater Sydney.

‘I look forward to working with Grahame in Bennelong toaddress specific local employment issues such as challenges for residents whospeak English as a second language, and women who are seeking to re-enter thework force,’ Mr Alexander said.

Federal Member for Mackellar, Jason Falinski MP said theappointment is about getting businesses in Mackellar back on track when we comeout of this greater Sydney lockdown.

‘I am looking forwardin working with Mr Irwin to make sure our great local businesses efficientlyattain the staff and resources they need to be back firing over summer,’ MrFalinski said.

Federal Member for North Sydney, Trent Zimmerman MP said hewelcomed the Morrison Government’s $237 million investment into the extensionof the Local Jobs Program.

‘It is imperative to both businesses and jobseekers that wecreate local employment opportunities in North Sydney and across the state tosecure our economic recovery,’ he said.

The focus of the Local Jobs Program will be on recentlydisplaced workers, as well as addressing transport barriers and creating newopportunities for young people and Indigenous job seekers.

More details can be found

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